
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
For more large-scale group sessions Jurko loves to share the stage with the following trusted partners and co-trainers, so that also with a larger number of participants they can still create an impactful, personal experience for everyone. 

Danielle Veneman - Speech coach & trainer

Danielle played in musicals in Stuttgart and Berlin, and was on stage in the Netherlands in big international productions such as Les Miserables and We Will Rock You. In 2011, Danielle decided to use her theatre experience to train managers, business leaders and politicians in the art of storytelling and performance. Danielle developed her coaching skills through doing studying techniques such as Voice Dialogue and Playful Coaching. In the field of vocal studies she’s been studying the art of listening and the Lichtenberg method for over 15 years. In 2020 she graduated as a celebrant at the University of Humanist Studies in Utrecht. Next to her work as a speech coach, Danielle is also the founder of the Rituelenbar, a service in which she designs bespoke rituals for people and organisations going through change.

Photo credits: Stefan Heijdendael

Roisin van Ravenhorst - Leadership & communication coach

Roisin studied English Literature and American Studies at the University of Amsterdam. After gaining business experience in the world of real estate, in 2012 she made the leap to become a leadership & communication coach. For years she worked with international clients in business and politics, to change the world for the better by telling powerful stories. Roisin lives and works in London, and serves both Dutch and U.K. based professionals who want to develop their people skills and personal leadership. She has a particular interest in two core skills of modern leadership: the art of listening & asking better questions. She also collaborates with brand specialists to formulate strong company stories and business strategies that actually move the needle in the world and make people happier at work.

Photo credits: Ranald Mackechnie


Would you like to know more about a coaching package, or want me to write you a bespoke proposal? Get in touch directly via the telephone nummer or email below. Looking forward to hearing from you.